
The Editors

Peninsular Tensions Rise Again

Following its defeat at the end of the Second World War, Japan was forced to end its colonial rule over Korea, which it had maintained for 35 years. With its infrastructure and institutions destroyed and its population left destitute and traumatized by Japanese domination, Korea was a hotbed of political and societal unrest. The peninsula...

Boots on the Ground: The Special Relationship

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Connor Cowman: Thank you for joining us! Where in the world did you study abroad and what were you doing there? Thaddian Burson: For this last semester, I spent a term studying abroad in Oxford, England at the University of Oxford. I took two tutorials from...

Israel and Iran: A Shadow War Emerging into the Open

Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Israel and Iran have been mortal enemies. In a speech given to his people on Iranian New Year in 1980, the ideological and political leader of the fundamentalist revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, declared that his government would “fight against the Western world — devourers led by America, Israel, and Zionism.”...