All pieces appear in our Summer 2022 print edition.
China’s Nuclear Expansion and its Implications for U.S. Strategy and Security
Patty-Jane Geller (SSS China 2021-2022)
American Values and Interests in Strategic Competition
Mike Watson (SSS China 2021-2022)
Dollars, Tanks, and Banks: Modernizing the Economic Warfighting Domain
David Rader (SSS Russia 2021-2022)
An Untuned Instrument: Strategic Counterintelligence in the Sino-American Technology Competition
Nathan Hitchen (SSS China 2021-2022)
Iran’s Proxy Strategy and the Extent of Surrogate Autonomy
Michael Abonyi (SSS Iran 2021-2022)
America’s China Challenge in Mexico
Connor Pfeiffer (SSS China 2021-2022)